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Beiträge: 584

ROFLOCOPTER vs AFK47  Antworten mit Zitat  


Edit for lolz0r:

raw meat! cooking skill for horde is USELESS! | 10/18/2005

I'm an Orc. I tear the flesh off boars and drink their blood.

I'm not some metrosexual human from stormwind who sips wine and eats cheese.

The cooking skill is a another bias towards Alliance.

Horde need another tradeskill, like 'blooddrinks' or 'scalping'


Blizzard Poster
Thrall has worked hard to free the Orcs from exactly those tendencies. Orcs are not the uncivilized, savage creatures of nightmare; they are a gentle, civilized species that enjoy the finer things in life. Gone are the days of eating raw meat on the field. Since Shamans are friendly with the forces of fire, they can cook that meat up for you. So set up camp, and charbroil that boar! /me wears a brown coat


once again shamans do everything

edit 2: more t3h l0lz0r


Blizzard Poster

2. Re: Captain Shaman! | 10/17/2005 4:11:00 PM PDT

I did this once before, but..

Captain Shaman, he's our hero,
Gonna take Alliance down to zero!
He's our powers magnified
And he's fighting on the Taurens' side!

Captain Shaman, he's our hero,
Gonna take Alliance down to zero!
Gonna help us put asunder
Cloth casters with a shock of thunder!

We're the Shaman-teers!
You can be one too!
'Cause killing Alliance is the thing to do!
/Dancing with the Night Elves is not the way,
Here's what Captain Shaman has to say:


Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber of Bone.
Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the
treasures secured within this room.
So speaks the Lord of Terror, and so it is written.

Beitrag Mi, 19.10.2005, 04:53
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Beitrag Fr, 21.10.2005, 16:42
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